College of Education undergrad elected student body vice president


An undergraduate in the College of Education was recently elected vice president of Purdue Student Government. Jacob Goedde is a rising senior from Poseyville, a town in southwest Indiana. He is studying elementary education with a certificate in collaborative leadership.

For two years, he has represented the College of Education as a senator in Purdue Student Government (PSG). Goedde served as chairman of an ad hoc committee on outreach and representation with a goal of increasing the diversity of Purdue’s student government body and to encourage people from diverse backgrounds to run for seats. Jacob has served as president of Students in Education Enhancing Diversity (S.E.E.D.) in the College of Education, as well as the Education Organizations Board. He is also a member of the Purdue Student Education Council.

Maryann Santos, dean of the College of Education, said, “Jacob is an inspiring student with a strong commitment to diversity and social justice. I am thrilled that he will be serving the university as vice president of Purdue Student Government.”