About | ELRC

About the ELRC

The Evaluation and Learning Research Center incorporates the evaluation and learning research functions of the Discovery Learning Research Center, which closed on Dec. 31, 2016. The ELRC is known by external clients and federal agencies for conducting rigorous research and evaluation.

Scholarship driven by Center professionals propels Purdue into the national conversation surrounding evidence-based education reform. Center professionals are frequent presenters at high-level national conferences and are increasingly sought after as partners by other universities, associations, foundations, not-for-profits, and others interested in education reform.

ELRC evaluation guides program improvement and decision making and documents program outcomes.

Points of pride!

  • Over $118 Million in external funding through partnerships across campus and beyond
  • 125 Purdue faculty partners over the past year
  • 27 external partnerships, including 20 colleges and universities, 6 foundations or institutes, 3 higher education associations, and a health network over the past year
  • Funding from: NIH, NSF, USDA, NIST, DOE, HRSA, CDC, USAID, Kresge Foundation, Lumina Foundation, Games Foundation, Gardner Institute, HHMI, AAU, APLU and AAC&U
  • Over 30 staff-authored papers in high impact peer reviewed journals, including one selected for special recognition by the editors of Science
  • 2 International conferences and an authoritative book on transforming undergraduate education

Contact the ELRC at (765) 494-4555 or by email at learningcenter@purdue.edu

For more information about the Evaluation and Learning Research Center please visit ELRCenter.org