Graduate Administrative Licensure Program Requirements

Graduate level licensure programs are comprised of instructional and administrative programs. Graduate level applicants are required to request and receive a Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review (TECR) from the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL) prior to admission to the graduate program. The TECR is the formal advisement relative to Indiana licensure and Purdue University licensure program obligations and is intentionally delivered in advance of program admission and enrollment to ensure transparency.

All graduate level coursework completed for an administration licensure program must be a C- or above, and an Incomplete “I” for a grade is not accepted for program completion or licensure. A 3.00/4.00 GPA is to be maintained throughout the licensure program and upon graduation/ program completion. Once you begin your licensure program of interest, the OTEL Licensing Advisors/Officers will continuously monitor your progress each semester, along with your program faculty, to assist in your continuous success.

Not sure which administrative licensure program is right for you? Read more about each graduate level administrative licensure program listed below. To see licensure requirements in addition to program coursework, please visit our Licensure Requirements and Application Procedures page.

Administrative Licensure Programs

Building Level Administrator

Licensure Program Coursework
Program completion leads to an Indiana REPA 3 Building Level Administrator License (P-12)

District Administrator: Director of Career/Technical

Licensure Program Coursework
Program completion leads to an Indiana REPA 3 District Administrator: Director of Career and Technical Education License (P-12)

District Administrator: Superintendent

Licensure Program Coursework
Program completion leads to an Indiana REPA 3 District Administrator: Superintendent License (P-12)

Have Questions?

General licensure inquiries and questions can be sent to